
*The delivery information provided using this estimator is not a guarantee of delivery times. 所有提供的日期和时间仅为估计. Order weight may impact actual delivery dates 和/or times. For more precise information regarding the delivery 和 arrival of previous or future orders, 请与您的 当地华伦卡特零件代表.


除非另有书面指定, all goods are delivered EX WORKS (INCOTERMS 2020) at the 新葡京博彩官网 location designated on the front page of this form. If the delivery is designated at any 新葡京博彩官网 Drop Box or similar “drop box” location of the Customer, the delivery is deemed to have occurred when the good is 放置 into such drop box 和 all risk of loss for the goods transfers to the customer—including any loss or damage from theft, 破坏公物, 火, 或天意. Seller shall accept as conclusive proof of delivery documentation of 新葡京博彩官网 that the goods were delivered to the drop box including a written acknowledgement from the person designated by 新葡京博彩官网 to deliver the goods that the goods were delivered. 卖方不作任何性质的保证, 明示或暗示, 关于澳门新葡京博彩的投递箱, IT BEING THE INTENTION OF SELLER AND PURCHASER TO NEGATE EXPRESSLY AND TO EXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WARRANTIES CREATED BY ANY AFFIRMATION OF FACT OR PROMISE OR BY ANY DESCRIPTION OF THE DROP BOX AND ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WH美国胸科协会OEVER CONTAINED IN OR CREATED BY THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE OR SIMILAR LAW AS ADOPTED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION. PURCHASER WAIVES ANY CLAIM IT HAS AGAINST SELLER FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE CAUSED BY THE USE OF THE WARREN CAT DROP BOX OR BY ANY DEFECT IN THE WARREN CAT DROP BOX, USE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE WARREN CAT DROP BOX OR SERVICING OR AD-JUSTMENT TO THE WARREN CAT DROP BOX, 用的是澳门新葡京博彩的投递箱. PURCHASER REPRESENTS TO WARREN CAT THAT PURCHASER HAS NOT RELIED ON ANY STATEMENT OF WARREN CAT RELATED TO THE DROP BOX.